Thursday, February 17, 2011

Today is the Day!

I started my diet today! My very low calorie diet! I feel kind of like I'm floating around and I'm not supposed to reach out and grab anything! I have to keep floating until my feet touch the ground without any help. Hopefully, I'll get used to the new routine in a couple of days and I won't feel so "detached". As I was looking around at different diet blogs, I came across an article on Miracle Skinny Drops' site about a detox bath. I've never heard about that before. I guess I don't get out much. The article read:

Detox Baths

Pour 1 lb. of Epsom Salt into a very warm bath with 1 lb. baking soda (Arm & Hammer). Soak in tub of warm/hot water – as warm as can take water for at least 20 minutes. Do not shower off until next day.

You may feel light headed, dizzy, weak and completely drained after a detox bath (which is a symptom of weak adrenals), so doing it around bedtime is a good idea.

Epsom Salt “detoxes” your body by drawing out the toxins and replenishing nutrients that your body needs and it can make the skin feel nice and soft. Baking soda increases CO2 levels in the blood, which dilates blood vessels and increases circulation, causing a “tired” feeling.  It is sort of like “chemical exercise”.  The magnesium and bicarbonate are getting flooded with minerals and nutrients. Magnesium is a natural mild sedative and is great inside and out for reducing muscle spasms and strains.

Sometimes taking fresh squeezed orange juice with a little sea salt and sip during the bath can help this. You can also add a handful of dead sea salts, which will give minerals and micro-nutrients that will feed and improve the skin.

Take advantage of the relaxation to get a good night’s sleep.

It sounds like a great idea! I think I will try this.

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