Thursday, December 30, 2010

What Will You Resolve For the New Year?


I, personally, don't do New Year's resolutions. I don't want to commit myself to a plan and then find that I should be doing something else that's better for my family or more important than what I resolved to do. It's not that I'm not flexible; it just sort of knocks the wind out of my sails when I'm really enthusiastic about something and then have to shift gears. Then, nothing really gets accomplished. I am no longer driven.

However, it's a new year. Of course, I want to take advantage of a fresh start; and, God's mercies are new every morning. So I will resolve to do certain things that are necessary for my health or for the good of my family regardless of my level of enthusiasm.

This year, I resolve, to spend less, exercise a little more, eat better and cook healthier and make a genuine effort to lose some weight. I will try to clean house more often and get better organized. Pursue other avenues of additional income for my family aside from my daytime job. Aren't these the kinds of things most Moms and Grandmas will strive for?

More importantly, I will pray more. Read the bible more. Teach my Grandchildren about God's word and love more and try to witness a little more often.

I hope that you will all join with me in this one... I will pray more for my children and grandchildren and the all the youth of my neighborhood, community and country. I will ask God to show me what I can do, personally, and I will strive to follow his lead.

I will pray more for my readers and hope that you also will pray for me. Lifting each other up is an important part of daily christian life.

Maybe my little blog will offer the opportunity for some "online" fellowship in the coming year. Everyone's comments are welcome.

I hope you all have a healthy, happy and prosperous year in 2011.

Glitter Graphics

Happy New Year Glitter Pictures

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