Monday, May 30, 2011

The Reason for Memorial Day

We all know that Memorial Day marks the official start of summer and that it is a time for trip to the beach, family cookouts, major shopping with every sale under sun to find whatever you're looking for and, for many, a day off from work with pay.

Also, since 1911, Memorial day weekend is when the Indianapolis 500 is held.

The holiday actually was originally called Decoration Day, held to commemorate Union Soldiers who died during the Civil War. After World War 1, it became a day to honor all Americans who have died in all wars.

So, while you are cooking out, shopping, playing in the water, etc., please take a moment to remember why we have the holiday. Remember that many soldiers have fought and died over many years, in many wars, to protect and keep us free.

Remembering T.J. 

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