Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Tooth Fairy Visits

This is a Tooth Fairy pillow
My Granddaughter lost her first tooth last night! It's a very exciting thing for her! She got money!

It all happened very fast. She came home from kindergarten on Friday with a tooth that was about to fall out! Since there had been no indication of a loose tooth, we were concerned. She said nothing happened. It just got loose by itself!

As it so happens . . . just a couple of weeks ago, her Mommy had taken her to the Dollar Tree to pick out a reward for "good behavior". She is a most unique child. Green stars are precious and are now rewarded since they are so few and far between.

That day, she picked out a Disney Tinkerbell Tooth Fairy Pillow. I, personally, had never heard of such a thing. What happened to wrapping it in toilet paper and putting it under your pillow? Also, when did children start losing their teeth so early? When I was a kid, I didn't know anybody who got a loose tooth before at least, summer after first grade. We all mostly got loose teeth in the second or third grades, at 7 and 8 years old. My Granddaughter is only 5! My daughter works with preschoolers and she says some of those kids are losing their teeth at 4!

The tooth is in the fold. It's so small you can hardly see it.
$2.50 in quarters, dimes and nickels!
Needless, to say, that little pillow sure came in handy!
Little Miss Snaggle Tooth
I looked around on the net to see what was out there on "tooth fairy pillows". Some are very pricey! Here are a couple of good ones.

Tooth Fairy Pillows on Etsy HERE

Tooth Fairy Pillow at Amazon HERE

Here's the one my Granddaughter has (the green one) that came from Dollar Tree.

Tinkerbell Tooth Fairy Pillow HERE

Disney Tinkerbell Tooth Fairy Pillow

Learn to make your own HERE
HERE and

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