Nevertheless, I have to make a decision. Doing nothing gets nothing done. I've have narrowed it down to a couple.
Scarsdale Diet Plan - Below is the basic Scarsdale Diet Plan.
How the Scarsdale program works:
Dieters follow the Scarsdale Medical Diet (SMD) strictly for two weeks, and during which, fast weight loss is promised (7 - 15 pounds).
After the two weeks, you switch to Keep Trim Eating for two weeks, where you plan your own menus for two weeks, with a list of additional foods permitted, and higher calories.
After two weeks on Keep-Trim, you are back on the Scarsdale Medical Diet for another two weeks of strict low calorie eating, followed with another two weeks of Keep Trim. This cycle is repeated until your goal is reached. Here are some helpful links.
Scarsdale Diet Marinades
Budget Scarsdale Diet
Vegetarian Scarsdale Diet
Scarsdale Diet Shopping List
More scarsdale info - about the doctor who created the diet at SCARSDALE DIET
My second choice is the HCG diet. I actually have already tried this one to some degree. Before Thanksgiving, I ordered some cheap drops from DNA Labs. I was not at all impressed. I did the 15 day diet and stuck to it until the last 2 days (I had a cupcake). Even so, for a diet that you supposedly lose 1/2 to 2 lbs per day on, I should have lost more than 5 pounds up to that point.
Choosing this diet is controversial; however, you cannot deny the weight loss results on this diet for some people. Whether it's the drops or the 500 calorie diet, or both; people do lose weight on this diet. I have read that you have to do both the drops and the 500 calorie diet in order to lose weight and I have read claims that you can use the drops and eat normally and still lose weight. I tried that too. It didn't work. Again, I was using the remainder of the DNA drops for another 15 days. I didn't gain any weight but I certainly didn't lose any and I ate as I normally would. I made no special dieting effort.
I have talked to a few HCG sellers and they all pretty much tell me the same thing. That is that all the drops are basically the same. That is disappointing. If it's true, I hesitate to buy anymore or try the diet again. However, I know 4 people who bought drops from different sources and swear the drops work.
These two sources are the ones I'm most comfortable with so far.
This one is XTREME SAFE FAT LOSS because I know these people and will probably get my drops from them if I choose this diet. They both have lost weight on this diet. One of these women was previously on the Quick Weight Loss Center Program and lost a good bit of weight but she couldn't get the last 10 - 15 lbs off that she wanted to lose. She said when she did this diet, they just fell off. I have seen her at different intervals of time and seen the difference. So is it the drops or not? Knowing that it worked for them, I prefer getting some of their drops next time. They also provide you with support and their own experience with the diet offers a realistic understanding of the help and encouragement you need.
My second choice is KMO HEALTH These people have been extremely helpful to me and I'm not even a customer. Their product is reasonably priced and they also provide support by phone, fax and email. They seem genuinely concerned with the success of their customers. They also offer you an incentive. After you try their product for yourself and know that it works for you, they will give you a free bottle for every 3 people you refer to them.
The significant differences in these two suppliers are price and maybe product. It gets a little confusing for me. The first one says that the appetite suppressant and energy booster are included, which is a propriety blend of plant extracts including hoodia (read the FAQ section). The ingredients read a little differently from the latter, which includes B12 and amino acids. You have to email them to request the ingredients. Both offer the drops without alcohol. It seems to me that the first one has everything included in the bottle of drops itself and is a bit pricier, while the second one offers supplemental products that have to be purchased separately increasing your total as you go. Yet, they both provide you with a 2 ounce bottle. I guess you have to decide for yourself which one you trust and which one offers you the best bang for your buck.
There is a ton of HCG information available on the net. You can download Dr. Simeons Manuscript "Pounds and Inches", the protocol, tracking charts and recipes from any number of sources for free, while some sites will charge you for the information or will only provide you with it if you buy their drops. Here are links you might find useful.
The Complete HCG Diet Weight Loss Protocol Packet.
It includes the protocol, tracking charts, manuscript, instructions, etc. (Not everyone does the cleanse phase of this diet).
HCG Diet Recipes
HCG Diet and Weight Loss Information:
There is also the raw food diet that so many people swear by, not just for weight but for general good health, energy, reverse aging and overcoming disease. I believe all good things come from God and ultimately he is the healer, whether it be by miracle, medicine or herb.
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We live in a day and time when our flesh and money are at the center of our lives. Diet, exercise, new age practices such as crystals and doctrines of being one with the universe, etc. have replaced our God given common sense. Our vanity puts us in gyms and replaces our family dinner table with prepackaged diet plan meals. All of this adding up to many $$$dollars spent by the consumer and many $$$made by the seller. My mom once said to me, "Just think of the money we'd have if we didn't have to buy food". It's true, but also look at the money we spend on diets and diet supplements and those prepackaged meals. Also, these days, we have to have these so called "experts" give us advice on diet, dress, raising our children, etc. We don't seem to know what to do anymore. We have to be told by someone on television or somewhere else what we should do and how we should do it (and then, oftentimes, pay them for it).
We know what we are supposed to do. The bible teaches us that gluttony is a sin whether it be overeating or drinking to drunkenness. Gluttony is abound in many forms today. Our appetites seem to be insatiable.
Where did we get so far off track that we can't eat healthy and maintain our weight with our own common sense? Of course, today's standards are such that anything other than skinny is unacceptable. Can you imagine a world where we were all the same size and the same color and sex? (clones) We were created as individuals. We were not intended to be the same in the flesh.
I remember when I was growing up, there were "hefty" women, not obese women. Marilyn Monroe was NOT skinny. Sometimes, however, we need a little help to undo damage we've done to ourselves once we realize we've done it. Then there are those, through no fault of their own, are naturally "heftier". There's nothing wrong with being "hefty". Just be healthy and no heftier than you have be.
I think that the most important thing to remember is to be grateful and to ask the Lord to bless whatever it is that we are about to eat. It's not safe to eat food these days that the Lord hasn't blessed! Which reminds me of the scripture 1 Timothy, Chapter 4 (KJV).
"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving. For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer......
verse: 8 For bodily exercise profiteth little; but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. This is a faithful saying worthy of all acceptation."
Let's strive for balance of the physical, the spiritual and the monetary, being "real" in everything. Don't forget that this life won't go on forever and someday we will have a new body.
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